11 | Threat Play

''Hello Bubba! How is my baby doing? Are you sleeping well''

My eyes widened seeing the phone was received on its own and now on speaker, shit did it happen unknowingly when I was walking behind her

I can see Samriddhi slightly squinting her eyes as she stood up from the couch, I quickly off the speaker and move to the balcony opening the sliding and going out.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I gritted my teeth asking her.

"Why were you enjoying with your wife? How is she in bed? She won't be as good as me!" I could sense her smirking for sure she is up to something

"Not a slut like you! And mind your own business, Arushi" I was about to cut the call when I heard her laughing from the other end.

"Ohh!! Why my Bubba is so sweet! Now let me get to the point" she said chuckling

"What do you want?"

"Money! Your property and 10 percent share of your company!" I was in utter shock what made her say all these things after Five whole years, why is she again in my life. But this time I will make sure she will pay for it

"And what made you think that I will give you these"

"Your Daughter!" I couldn't believe my ears, how can this happen when I have never even touched her for once, not even kissed her.

"Are you done with your drama, I have never laid my eyes on you." I heard a bouts of laughter from other end.

"Ohh my Bubba! Don't you remember that party night when you got drunk and literally slept with me! I warned you but you weren't ready to listen." I know she is just trying to frame me because I clearly remember that night.

"Shup up, nothing happened that night I was not you with you"

"Ohh Darling only you and me knows that not the media neither your family nor your new wife! It will be better if you just give me what I asks for, see you in your reception bubba! Mwaahh" her voice went from manipulative to sweet tone, she hung up the call

Who's kid she have that she is so eager to come back in my life again, how could she put an innocent soul in between like that.

Ayushman sat on the balcony couch till the sun raised up in the air proudly, he was still thinking about all the things that happened with him in last few months, meeting Samriddhi, the blind date, the marriage proposal, the wedding, the time he spent with her and then Arushi. How bad he wants to run away from the world and stay in darkness his favorite escape, he likes darkness engulfing him, he feels safe there. But knowing here he don't have any option he have to tell Samriddhi about Arushi before she tries to ruin the reception.

He came out of the connected balcony of their room and enters to see Samriddhi coming out of the bathroom in a Golden-ish whiyr Anarkali with a towel wrapped around her hairs loosely absorbing the water from her wet hairs.

Samriddhi ignored Ayushman and went towards the dressing table standing infront of it she took a moisturiser and applied it on her bare face and hands, from the mirrors reflection she saw Ayushman approaching her.

"Uh- I wanted to clear somethin-"

"Why? You clearly said none of us will interfere in each others life. You can go wherever you want I will tell Papaji to wait for my launching you can go alone" She said all while doing her makeup.

"Wait, I guess you are mis-" Ayushman again tried to say when Samriddhi turns around to glare at him

"What Misunderstanding Mr.Singhania? I thought you will at least have some ethics, but seem like I am wrong. If you have some one in your life then wh-" Samriddhi lashed out on him who was listening to everything in a frown but he was hurt and angry from inside any listening to Samriddhi was helping him either way

A surprised gasp was heard when Ayushman pinned her on the wall beside the dressing, the towel which was wrapped around her hairs falls off and lands on the ground, he held her by her arms pressing her to the wall with his face an inch away. His eyes darken and jaws clenched when he looks into her eyes

"How can you think I am cheating? Even though I said that we won't have a relation like normal couples but that doesn't mean I will cheat, I know my responsibilities towards this marriage. I know my loyalty towards it and I am not so cheap to do things like that, You will come with me to America and that also final" He says explaining his point while releasing a deep breath to calm himself

"Arushi. She is my ex, we broke up 5 years ago and now she is threatening me to ruin my reputation, I don't know her intentions yet" Samriddhi frowns listening to this conversation

"What is she asking for and why?" She asks as of now Ayushman back away running his hands through his hairs

"She wants 10 percent share of the company and my property" Samriddhi raises her eyebrows

"She says... W- I mean its for my daughter b-but I never touched her getting her pregnant is way far" Samriddhi now had her eyes wide open not knowing how to react on this

"Why? Did you do somethin-" she wasn't able to complete her sentence when Ayushman cut her off

"She is a gold digger! I don't have anything more to say now, I am just informing you because she will be surely pulling some stunts in the reception just be careful" Samriddhi was in a utter shock by the revelation obviously who wouldn't be when her husband's ex is coming to their reception and would be claiming that she had a daughter with her husband

An unknown jealous feeling ran over her not knowing what to do by all this but one thing she knew that she had to be prepared before taking further step.

"Did you record the call?" Ayushman stops on his tracks who was going to the washroom to freshen up and shakes his head making Samriddhi sigh at him

Ayushman groans at it knowing what she was indicating to "I should have"

"Its okay, she doesn't know about it. We can control the situation for a few hours till then, rest leave it on me" Samriddhi declared walking to the dressing again wearing her watch.

"What will you do" he casually says not paying attention on her

Samriddhi turns around on her hills looking at him she moves forward "Trust me, I can do a lot more than you expect, and I was anyways waiting for a drama. Let woman handle their stuff on her own. Aapni sautan ka swagat aache se karungi, chinta na kare"

(I will welcome your Mistress nicely, don't worry)

Samriddhi smiled and left the room closing the door behind while smiling all the time which somewhere shook Ayushman to the core that he wasn't able to understand anything.

While Samriddhi had to plan everything she won't let a big drama happen infront of media who want the spice every minute. The marriage was secretly done but the reception isn't. She is now on her way to save her husband's reputation, she can't let any girl to ruin her plans.

When Samriddhi reached downstairs she saw everyone busy running around the whole mansion for the preparations, Kavya was on the call talking to someone while writing down some notes, Abhinav was roaming here and there shouting at the helpers for not doing the work, Sheetal was with Aarav who was wrapping gifts and giving back to her to keep it on proper places, Abhijeet and Abhiraj on other hand were talking with catering service and Ruchi was arranging the sets of Sarees, jewelries and perfumes for giving to the ladies as their gifts while Suhasini was helping her with the things. Janvi was sitting on the  dining doing something on the paper. The whole mansion was a chaos somewhere everyone was busy and Samriddhi was feeling guilty for not helping.

She saw Ruchi running to a room while walking past her so she stopped her "Mumma, kuch madad karu?" She asked and Ruchi who was tensed a few minutes ago smiled at her daughter and shakes her head

(Mom, should I help?)

"You are the bride, how can I let you work and we have enough people to do so. I want you to just rest okay? No more questions!" She said in an authoritative tone making Samriddhi sigh as she nods back.

"Fine, but I am bored alone. Let me help you a little" she said while Ruchi squinted her eyes "why isn't my son keeping you busy?" She asked a tint of teasing was in her tone making samriddhi pout a little.

"Go to the room, Ayushman will give you company and if he doesn't just pull your wife's card on him" She winked at her Daughter-in-law pushing her back to the stairs "ohh wait today you guys have your breakfast in your room okay" she said before walking to the dinning and serving them in a plate, point to be noted in a single plate. "Rest everyone already had?" Samriddhi asked as Ruchi nodded.

She gave her the plate and again pushed her back to the staircase, Samriddhi moved to the staircase going through the corridors and again back infront of the room door. She pushed the old design door to walk inside the room only to see the plot- I mean Ayushman coming out from the bathroom.

Wrapped only in a single towel that was hanging on his law waist, Samriddhi freezes on her place for a minute to see him half naked and him lazily wiping his hairs with another short towel, Samriddhi felt a slight knot in her stomach seeing his half naked body but still somehow she kept a neutral face

She came inside and sat on the couch, keeping the plate on the table "we have to eat the food her only today, rest of them already had" Ayushman nodded before pulling the trousers he kept om the bed above his hips and then removed the towel off his body and wearing a t-shirt respectively, while Samriddhi had her food first knowing they only have one plate so either she eats first or him and as he was changing she took the chance to finish off.

And this is how they started their ignorance saga, minding their own business, both were busy in their own world. The silence between the couples.

The day went in a blink of eye as the preparations finally came to end. And soon everyone went to sleep early as the Reception will be starting at noon and all of them have to get ready before that.
The sun again rises up in the sky proudly with his rays bright, the sunlight is warm hitting on the face of Ayushman who was standing in Haveli's Yard with a coffee mug in his hands looking around to see the birds chirping while the cold breeze blew across his face. But there he stood with his eyebrows knitted with each other and lines on his forehead, his look was tensed and stress was written all over his body.

This was the back side of the Haveli, the servants were arranging the buffet for the lunch and dinner the yard was decorated with lights, the flowers of white roses with red in combination. While the front yard had full white roses for the entrance of the guests, the huge living area was decorated with Only Red roses and a stage was made at one side of the corner where a black couch was resting the decorations were bold are dark unlike the one they had on the wedding which had pastel theme.

The colour of the whole function were blooming showing their possession unlike the couple who were tied in an unwanted marriage, they might not be forced but internally they were forcing themselves to be in a marriage which had no meaning, no emotions, no valid reason and especially no love. But here the fate and destiny plays an important role, they are tied by the fate and destiny together no matter how much they disagree but they are now each others. No one can change that, thet are written in each others fate.

Soon it was Ayushman got ready in a light Beige colour 2 piece and now was standing in the corner of the stairs, the guests have now arrived and were all waiting for the couple. Ayushman was growing anxious and worried as very minute passes by, his mind was only on Arushi since yesterday. He don't know what Samriddhi is planning all along but by looking at her no one can say that she is known of the bomb which will occur in few minutes, she looks calm and collected totally opposite of Ayushman.

His head turns a whole 180° as he snapped back when he hears the clicking sound of the heels. There stood Samriddhi right in front of his eyes holding her white shimmery saree while walking towards him. The full sleeves blouse had the same shimmery material with a deep cleavage and the shimmery pallu hanging on her shoulder blade which was see through making her bleeding rose tatto visible, her delicate long fingers fixing her pallu, her low bun which let a few loose and shirt strands tickle over her face. In short his time stopped as soon as he saw her looking like a Queen, His Queen. Maybe.

Samriddhi wasn't fan of a long freely types of gowns and those theme party receptions she wanted to keep it as simple as possible, because she knows if she wear those extra long and heavy gowns she might end up getting tangled between them and trip over it again and again, those gowns are too much to handle for her, No doubt they look beautiful and Gorgeous but whats the point if you can't handle then, she still remember how heavy her wedding attire was and doesn't want to happen that again so this time she choose something Simple yet Elegant.

Samriddhi flicked her fingers infront of his eyes while calling him for the fifth time in a row and was left unanswered. She kept her hands on his arms, he flinch as soon as her fingers touched his biceps making him come out of his dream land.

"Are you this afraid of your ex that now you are not even acknowledging anyone's presence?" Asked Samriddhi but who would tell her about the man who was standing across her wasn't afraid rather he was flustered, his ears and neck turned red which didn't go unnoticed by her but she thought he must be embarrassed about what she said so rather than pulling his leg she thought to let go off the topic saying a few simple words "Just trust me, I won't let any outsider ruin our reputation." This would be just a few simple words but for Ayushman it gave him a new and undefined feeling in his stomach as his heart beat accelerated.

He just slid his hand in her intertwining them properly while holding her in a tight grip, This wasn't new to them they are acting fir last 3 months, showing everyone how perfect they are but the truth is lying just between them. Samriddhi fixed the cloth that was half inside his front chest pocket making the male nod at her and soon they both made their entrance.

The whole paparazzi, diffrent types of successful business familiar, celebrities and politician were already present waiting for the Couple to make their entrance and just when they saw them standing on the staircase everyone stood up, the clappings, cheering and whistles were echoing all over the huge Haveli, The camera clicks were heard and the flashes was the only thing everyone saw for a few moments.

The newly wedded Singhania couple descended the stairs, making the Power couple entry and why won't it be? After all they were the Most Famous Business Couple. After clicking a few pictures they were now greeting the guests.

"You are looking beautiful princess" Samriddhi heard a voice a just behind her as she turned around to see Rehan standing, she quickly pulled him in a tight hug hiding her face in his chest while he creases her back lightly, She saw Veer just behind Rehan standing there with a smile on his face beside Rashmi who was busy adoring her children, Samriddhi ran to Veer and gave him a hug who in return kissed her hairs scoring his daughter. For the world she might be a strong woman who has faces many hardships in her life but for Veer and Rehan she was just their little to adore, they were her safe place, her comfort, her place to hide away from the cruel world, no one can say that they are not related the love between is so strong to break apart quickly.

Aaj ke time mai jab log khoon ke rishte ko ehatimayat nai dete vaha yeh teeno ne khoon ke rishton ko bhi peeche chod diya hai

(In today's time, when people do not give importance to blood relations, these three have left behind even blood relations.)

As Samriddhi was meeting her family "I hope you are taking care of my sister properly" Ayushman heard Rehan voice but he paid no attention to it "You know what I am capable of if I even see a single drop of tear in her eyes because of you" The voice came out like a tiger suppressing his roars "Don't worry that won't ever happen, I know my responsibilities better than you" this was a taunt Ayushman gave to Rehan, after all he knew there is no such relation between them that would affect another but thats what he thought till now.

As everyone was busy in their own world they were unknown of a presence that was still hidden from everyone. A girl same age of Ayushman stood their staring deep at him, feeling the intense gaze Ayushman turned around to see the whole Hall but soon his eyes darted on someone particular, someone familiar.

And soon his grey eyes met her Chocolate brown eyes making him blink rapidly and looking away from her who was still there smirking knowing the effect she still have on him. The only thing she wasn't aware was this time he wasn't alone, he was standing next a girl who was his wife, who will protect him as she promised, somewhere in the corner of his heart he felt like he trust her, he trust her and thats why he is still believing in the process otherwise Ayushman Singhania isn't someone who waits for everyone he would rather take step on his own.

Ayushman hands slides on Samriddhi's waist as he pulls her close to him while staring now dead in Arushi's eyes, he can see the fire building in them, the rage he is well known of but what is didn't yet acknowledge was a Honey brown pair of eyes staring at his face with pure shock, this was the first time she was been touched by him in this way, a shiver ran down her spine when she felt him pulling her more close to his buffed side of chest if possible, his cold hand tightly pulling her warm waist and the cold metal of his engagement ring gave her goosebumps all over the area.

She follows his gaze only to see her standing there with a wine glass in her hands, Ayushman smirked towards Arushi when he saw her clenching her fist on the wine glass trying break the glass as he walks away with Samriddhi ny his side pulling her close to him as if he would leave she might fly away

While Ayushman was busy making Arushi jealous, Samriddhi was keeping an eye on her every moment knowing she might do something but what shocked her to the core was when she came and hugged Ayushman out of nowhere clinging on his infront of the whole audience.

"Ohh my god Bubba I missed you so m-" She couldn't complete her sentence when Samriddhi pulled her away from Ayushman by her arms and pulling her in a unwanted hug. Thinking this is the only way to warn her and also save Ayushman before she pulls some stunts

"I missed you too darling!" Samriddhi now cringes on her own voice internally having no option rather to show a fake tight lipped smile.

She again pulled Arushi in a hug who was in utter shock and confused to no point.

"If you don't want me to play yours and Ayushman's call record of yesterday then better be quite"

"and if still this isn't enough then I know every record of yours how you scammed rich men into your sweet talks and how you rob them"

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