09| A Piece of Shit

"Looks like my babygirl came back to me!"


It was him!

One of the main reason of my Trauma

One of the main reason of my nightmare

And once upon a time my fear

Looking back at the time she might have feared him but not now

Samarth Khurrana!

Once Upton a time a famous and most demanded Bachelor

But now he is nothing but a 39- Almost 40 year old freak! We are gonna celebrate his birthday soon

I gulped looking at him not in fear though

Was I scared of him?

Nahh bitch,

He is just A Piece of Shit

A Dust below my shoe

He is a Multinational company's CEO, Sorry was a Multinational company's CEO. Once upon a time, right now he is bankrupt. Why? Because I kidnapped him

I don't care about him, he is just a pawn in my game which I will use against my main Target. But I will also show him my own hell to him

Ohh how bad I want wipe that smirk of his face, to make it red covered in blood. It satisfies me when he would beg me for his life to kill him but I won't. Not until I reach my main Target.

He turned around to smirk at me and now was looking at me from top of bottom and then his eyes landed on my neck particularly at my nuptial chain

"To answer that non-existing question, I was never yours in first place" I said looking dead in his eye as I looked at him who just laughs historically making me disgust at him

"But I was first to taste your everything! Except your lips because he did that first, but I am also thankful to him as he bought you to me" This time he clicked his tongue before eying me with his eyes.

"But my bad I couldn't have you forever but its okay, I am not a greedy man I am happy with whatever I have" Smirking he took out his cigarette from his dusty pants, he was all over dusty from top to bottom, a fully grown beard and long dusty hairs. None can make out he is Khurrana industry's one and one heir and that too in this state.

"You think you can kidnap me and keep me for no matter how long you wish? Ohh baby! As I am older than you let me advise you, Never Ever Mess with Me" His steps were now coming towards me, his black eyes darken more and as he took his predator steps towards me.

"Thankyou for this not so important information but you know? I am really impressed by you now" I said taking a few steps closer to him and story just a few inches away, a few inches away from his mouth

"By what?" He smirks as this time I could feel his horny ass kick in

I pull out a lighter from the back of pocket and kept it infront of his cigarette to lit up but-

A sudden groan released from his mouth and the cigarette that was in his mouth few minutes ago was now on the ground lying somewhere

It wasn't a normal lighter, it was a defense sword hidden like a lighter and to distract him she used this trick

"I am impressed the way you flex about forcing me till now instead of praying to your dear god about your life" Samriddhi said looking down at him who was lying while holding his leg. And just when Samriddhi hit him on his leg hard making him whimper in pain

Taking a look around samriddhi now saw her woman's were taking over his men, a sudden proud feeling rushed inside her. All those training was worth full, a fact to be note down that all the woman's had a traumatising past and was emotionally weak but now seeing them standing with so confidence and power made her happy.

She looked at Bruno when he barked and saw him biting someone men on his ass cheek making her chuckle at it.

"As I told you, You are nothing to me but just a Piece of Shit!" She kicks on his stomach as another groan left from his mouth

"Take him, and this time make sure he is tied so he can't escape easily."


Elsewhere Ayushman was sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap alone in the room going through some emails.

A phone call took him out of his trance when he picked the call and kept it near his ear without seeing the caller id

"Hello Bubba!" His jaw's clenched, teeth gritted with each other tightly and his grey eyes burned in anger hearing and annoying strange yet familiar voice from the other side of the call

Ayushman kept his laptop on the bed and stood up from his bed going to the balcony of the bedroom , he stood there "What do you want now?" He almost growled at the person who he wished to never talk anymore.

"I am really sorry Bubb-" the voice was fragile as it shuttered hearing him but when he cutts her off he hears her whimper cries

"Cut the crap Arushi!" This time his voice was cold as ice and deep but she was unknown of the volcano inside him was about to burst and he is least bothered about her cries, and why would he be?

"I realised my mistake Ayush! Please let me explain myself." He heard her choke on her own voice.

"What explaination you have now? Never call me again otherwise it won't end well" Ayushman said and cut the call sighing he held his nose bridge while scrunching his face.

As soon as he turn around he saw Samriddhi standing there wearing a black Tank top with black loose trousers with one hand in the pocket and other holding a bowl which had dog food standing at the door entrance. A bark was heard and Bruno followed Samriddhi in.

Ignoring him she went to a corner and kept the food on the floor for Bruno who just attacked on the food like it was his first time eating. Ayushman smiled and took steps near Bruno crouching to his level

He patted his head but gets a loud bark in return which makes him back away a bit "He will need some time to mingle around with you" Ayushman nodded when he heard Samriddhi and sat there looking at him. It is true spending time with animals can make you relieve stress and forget all your problems

A strange smell passed Ayushman's nostrils making him scrunch his nose in disgust and a frown formed on his face as he looked around to smell a bit

"Don't you smell something strange?" He asked still sniffing around

"Strange like?" She asked while patting Bruno's head

"I don't know if you'll believe it or not but like um- you know something like rotten or B-blood" Something clicked in Samriddhi's head as she cruse under her breath and looked at Ayushman who was still looking around

"Oh yeah! I just got my period maybe it's because of that, I'll just change and come" She said with a straight face and went inside the bathroom

"What a white lie" She says once she closes the door behind her shaking her head a bit. After a few minutes, she discarded her clothes and took a shower as she washed the clothes all together which had some blood stains on them.

Samriddhi heard a knock on the door as she heard Ayushman "Hey! Do you need something?" His voice seemed to be concerned

She thought and cursed herself for not bringing clothes "Uh- Can you get me a sanitary pad?" She asked thinking this would be best so she could get out of the bathroom to get herself a pair of clothes for herself while he would be out of the room for some time, also he wouldn't suspect her.

She heard him saying a 'yes' and once she heard the main door of the room closed Bruno barked signalling he was gone, she quickly wrapped a towel around herself and came out going towards her suitcase and getting a pair of grey trousers and a white slim fit top to go with it. She was about to get inside the bathroom again when she heard the door open and Ayushman came in and went towards the bathroom door only to see.

His eyes went wide seeing the sight of her back facing him only in a towel that was wrapped around her which reached till her midthighs giving him the excess to see the rest of her body. She looked at him through the reflection of the mirror as she stood at the entrance of the bathroom, she was shocked by it.

She clears her throat to get his attention turning to face him she forwards her hand asking for the sanitary pad packet that he was holding. While Ayushman gulped and gave her the packet not before he found the door shut on his face making him cough a bit and blink his eyes rapidly. His eyes went to Bruno and he couldn't make out if he was angry or happy as he seemed to be smirking and when he heard him bark he changed his mind.

He waited for some time sitting on the couch scrolling his phone, while Samriddhi came out a few minutes later. As he saw her going towards the dressing table to apply some moisturiser on her face and hands, his eyes unknowingly stuck on her side waist where her tattoo's lower half was visible, but quickly shrugging his thoughts away he stood up and opened the door to leave not before saying "the dinner is ready, come downstairs" he left after he saw her picking her cell phone and following him after

In Malhotra's Haveli:-

The moon shined bright in the night, and the dim lights lit up the whole mansion giving it an elegant look all over the whole living area.

But the kitchen., Veer was trying to make Chicken biryani and Rehan was trying to help him
Keyword:- Trying

Both the males were busy when a loud sound echoed in the whole mansion which made them flinch as they looked around to see Rashmi standing with her hands on her hips glaring at two

"What is this?" She asked eyeing the kitchen which wasn't looking like one but when she saw Rehan forwarding the hot pot in front of her it made her clam

They were trying to make biryani for her and Mihir who was missing Samriddhi a lot and then decided to cheer them up by making the biryani with Samriddhi's style

Sitting on the dining Mihir was the first to start followed by everyone, they all were eating quietly as Rehan sighed "I know it's not like the one that Samriddhi used to make and I am sorry cause she is the only one who can make this better, even I miss her bu-" He was trying to make them feel better but what he next heard hurt him to the core

"You wouldn't understand! No one can take her place and stop bothering and showing your fake concern, After all, she is not your sister!" Mihir said and stood up walking away from there leaving everyone in utter shock.

A drop of years left Rehan's eyes as he saw him walking away, Veer was still processing the fact of what happened and Rashmi just couldn't believe it it in her ears, though she knew that he didn't like her he never said words like this, knowing her baby can't hurt anyone but today she was proved wrong
Rehan wasn't hurt would be an understatement, it was midnight when Rehan was going back to his room and heard some sobs coming from a particular room

He looked at the room recognised that it belonged to Samriddhi, he went inside peeping only to see a crying Mihir on the bed sobbing badly while holding a photo frame in his hands

The sight melted Rehan as he closed the door behind his back and sat on his side running his hands through Mihir's hair who looked up.

Mihir slowly keeps his head on Rehan's lap and sobs "Are you missing her?" He asks Mihir who nods a little "I am sorry Bhai! I didn't mean it, I don't know what I say whenever I am angry" he whimpers looking at the elder who sighs and shakes his head a little while kissing his forehead lightly.

"It's okay Mihir! But you need to control your anger, it will be a big problem in future" Mihir nodded and snuggled to Rehan who too lay down beside his younger brother, they both looked at the photo frame that Mihir was hugging at his heart. It was a photo they clicked on the beach at that time neither Samriddhi nor Mihir were ready to accept this new Malhotra family, Rehan was the one who wanted a sibling photo together while he was smiling the other who held a grumpy face and hence he got a perfect photo for himself.

"You remember how I first met Princess" Mihir nodded silently answering Rehan who chuckled "She was a wild Tigress" A smile crept remembering the encounter.

Flashback 6 years ago:-

A December Morning, It was a bright Morning, the sun rising in the sky with pride and hope of a new day.

The Malhotra mansion was as usual with its bubbly and naughty nature, it was Sunday which means a family day. But one wasn't involved in it

A 13-year-old Mihir was descending the stairs he looked around only to see an empty living area, no one was there as he turned around to move to his room again he heard

"Hey, champ! Wanna watch some movie together?" A deep voice reached in the whole mansion making Mihir turn around again, as he saw Rehan holding his phone showing him the tickets for Fast and Furious 8, his favourite. How bad he wanted to deny the offer but still agreed getting bored at home

Although Mihir wanted to go home back to his room as soon as the Movie was over Rehan didn't let him as he stopped him to get some food for them. Rehan went to order for both of them after finding a place for Mihir to sit in the food court. Mihir was just scrolling his phone when it was snatched away from him

"Ohh look who is here? Our Mihir baby!" The voice reached in his ears making him angry as looks up to see one of his enemies

"Stop it Shauraya! Give it back to me?" Mihir too stood up to get his phone back but Shauraya pulled it away from his hold as his minions laughed

"Just give it back to me will you?" Mihir growled at them, the phone was precious to him it was the phone his sister gifted him from her first salary he didn't want to lose it too soon

"Look Didi's little boy is angry!" Shauraya once again said which made Mihir clench his jaw "So Mihir, how is it day to spend your Daddy's money?" This time Mihir had enough as he punched the 15-year-old guy who stumbled on his feet and fell on the ground

"Stay within your limits," Mihir said while pointing his index finger at him and went to crouch down to pick his phone up that's when a cry his mouth, a leg was on his hand and his hand above his phone, the shoe hill applied more pressure on his hand as he looks up to see a young male who was around 19-20 years old digging his feet on his hand making his tears fall but what he cared about was his phone at the moment.

"Please leave the phone" he whimpered when he left the shoe digging more and more. But what made his heartbeat stop was the man just pulled his feet back and took the phone before him and threw it somewhere away.

Mihir ran to the phone to check it was cracked and the display was gone, tears left his eyes. It was the only thing his sister gave him before he left that house with his mother, he cherished that phone a lot, he cried looking at the phone when he felt anger built inside him.

And in a swift motion, the 20-year-old guy was lying on the floor punched by an almost 14-year-old. That's when those 5 young boys started to pound on him.

Rehan who came with a food plate in his hands saw the fight and how badly they were beating his younger brother who now had blood all over his face, this made Rehan mad and he went towards them to stop the fight, but they were least bothered by the fact that he was much more elder than them and started beating him as well. The fight continued as both of them tried to stop and fight back until the police came to stop it.

Soon everyone was in the lock-up behind bars looking around the police station "It was all because of you" said Shauraya "Shut up your mouth before I cut your tongue off" Mihir threatened back only to be dragged away by his elder brother who was too in lock-up

"Stop it guys, do you want to stay here all night? Let me call Dad" Rehan said and was about to call the constable

"Wait no! You can't do that, it will be a big ruscus, do something so our parents won't know" said one of Shauraya's minions as they all agreed making Rehan roll his eyes

"Sir! I want to make a call to my sister" Mihir said shaking his head at the guy "No! You can't do that she will complain to Payal di" Shauraya said in utter shock looking at him.

"Shut up you don't have any other option either stay here or let me call Di" Mihir warned and got back to the police officer as they called his sister.

Soon a young girl 22-year-old girl came running to the police station only to see 6 familiar faces behind the bars looking at her with their puppy faces while she glared back at them

Completing all the formalities they came out of the police station she stared at all 6 boys while they had their heads down, meanwhile, Rehan thought about where the hell he should go

"Care to explain?" Her voice was cold giving shivers to all of them who were still staring at the ground, but they winced when she twisted Mihir's and Shauraya's ears together making them whimper in pain

"Ahhh-- di- I am So-sorry"

"So-sorry Sam di"

They both said in unison as she left them who were now rubbing their red ears

"I am sorry di, we just had a small fight" Mihir said looking down as he saw her folding her hands over her chest

"I just wanted to mess a little with Mihir, I don't know if he would take things too seriously Sam di! Please don't tell this to Payal didi" Shauraya said begging her

A sigh left Samriddhi mouth "Agar yeh dubara hua na toh voh Danda dekh raho Jo constable ke pass hai? Ussi se sadak pe bhaaga bhaaga ke marungi sabko. Samjhe?"

(If this happens again, you all see that baton in that Constable's hand? I will make everyone run on the road while beating. Understood?)

"And you! You are big enough to handle the situation and solve the problem itself and here you were acting like an immature kid?" She said while turning towards Rehan who gulped as she scolded him more

She shouted making everyone flinch at it as they all nodded in agreement. "Get lost now everyone".

Flashback ends.

They both laugh together remembering all those memories as they go to sleep for the day.


Meanwhile, Ayushman said something at the dining table which took everyone into deep thinking as they all glared at him

"I know it's a bit weird but the thing is too important I need to go to America for some time"




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