07 | Are we really Strangers

The smell of lavender and rose filled in my nostrils while I was sitting on His bed in His room. Kavya and Janvi just left somewhat 2 minutes ago settling me on the bed which was covered with white bedsheets and lots of rose petals on it, the room was decorated in a white and red combination of flowers on the basic Grey interiors, the bed was covered in red and pastel pink curtains while I sat in the centre of the bed with my lengha spread on it

I stood up from the bed slowly and started looking all over the bedroom it look erotic as it would be because they decorated according first night. I walked towards the switch board and switched off the dim lights replacing it with bright one's, and moved towards the dressing table taking a look of my bridal look which was looking elegant the pastel pink colour suited me and jewels matched with the outfit perfectly

Being a bride is really tiring, a sigh left my mouth as I started to take out the dupatta off my head which was practically stitched with my head. I turned to look at the door when I heard it open only to see Ayushman getting in all changed he was in Black sweat pants and Grey T-shirt

The moment felt like it stopped as he came in and stood at the entrance closing the door and looking right through my eyes, he avoids the eye contact and moved to the bed before cleaning all the rose petals off the bed and keeping his phone on charge as I continued my work but

"Can- you help me with these?" He looks at me which his both eyebrows raised and nodded before coming and standing right behind of me, my hands were still struggling with the dupatta on my head and my eyes fixed on the mirror

"You'll ripp that" he said before getting a hold of my hand staring at me through the mirror.

"But my head feels very heavy and those pins are continuously poking in my head!" I heard him chuckle but his face was still straight, he holds my shoulder and pulled out the stool of the dressing making me sit on it facing the mirror

And he started working on the dupatta mission, his grey eyes were fixed on my head like analysing how to get this thing out of my head as he started removing pins one by one.

Soon I felt that heavy dupatta slid of my head and now in his hands as he kept the last pin on the dressing and once it was done I was about to get up but he stops keeping a hand on my shoulder and making me sit back again

He stares at me through the reflection and says "let me help you" thats all he said before folding that dupatta which was on my head and kept it on the table that was infront of the couch, I nodded at him

He removed the mang tikka that was on my fixed between my hairline carefully he keeps it on the table before he starts to take my nose ring from nose and the chain connected to it in my hairs.

Ayushman then took out the make remover cream and some cotton pads from the drawer of the dressing giving me to remove my make up

"Kavya and Ma kept all the necessary products for you, here you remove the make till then I'll help you with rest of the jewelries" I nodded at him, who will say that this man standing behind me, helping with the jewelries never wanted a wife

My mind went back to the day when we met in a blind date that happen 3 months ago


"I have certain conditions, if you agree then only I can marry you" My eyebrows arched on its own hearing him who had a straight face

"What is it?" I asked him as he starts speaking

"I never wanted to marry anyone, I don't even want a wife I am here only because of my family! They want me to marry so I am just obligating them but I have no interest in marriage."

"Look Miss.Malhotra I can never give you happiness or love from this marriage, all I can give you is Money, Power and Respect which I promise to give you without any complaints. It might be an arranged marriage for the world but for me it will always be a marriage of convenience or call it a business marriage, I will take all responsibilities as a husband but don't expect me to love you and trust you. I don't want any kind of interference in my life, you will have your privacy and private life while I have mine, you can do what ever you want while I'll do what I want. We will be just married to each other on papers and stay as a married couple in front of the world but behind close doors we are Strangers"

Flashback ends.

Are we really gonna be strangers? Is this how strangers behave with each other. The way he looks at me with those grey eyes confuses me a lot I can't really read him by his face its really difficult for me

I winced a bit as I felt as sting on my ear taking me out of my trance, he was done removing all necklace off my neck and the Matha patti (headpiece) as well and now was removing those big earnings and as my ears were already a bit sore with all those big heavy jhumka's it pained a lot

"I am sorry" Ayushman said before slowly pulling the earing out and his eyes widened "its all red!" Was all he said before looking at me

"Looks like the numbing cream didn't effect!" I shrugged at him who looked bewildered at me with a jaw dropped

Sighing he went to remove the other earning as well but this time he was careful, he blowed at my ears making me gulp and once done he carefully kept it with the rest of the jewelry set properly

"You wait here I'll come in a bit" He left with that while I continued to remove my lashes from my eyes keeping it in a box

Almost done with removing my makeup I got up from the stool and plopping myself on the couch closing my eyes for a while when I heard the door again open and close I opened my eyes as Ayushman came infront of me

"Here Chachi gave me a cream, you can apply on your ears it will help in healing" Ayushman said keeping the cream on the table

I nodded before standing up and going to the dressing to apply the cream sitting on the stool

"Should I help you with hairs as well?" I looked at his reflection, to be honest I was really tired with all those functions but I don't want to disturb him more it was already past 3 in the morning and he is helping me for more than half an hour, he too looked really tired

"Its alright I will do it, Thankyou" I passed him a small smile as he nods

"But looking at your hairs I don't think you can do that by yourself, let me help you so that it will be done quickly and then we can sleep" Ayushman started to remove pins to open my hairstyle even when I shaked my head

After somewhat 45 mins I felt my head being light making me relax my head feel I lot lighter and him massaging my scalp gently was giving me relief, I leaned on him unknowingly keeping my head on his stomach as he massages my scalp

Soon Samriddhi changed into a coffee brown hoodie which she stole from Rehan secretly from his wardrobe and black shorts which was covered by the hoodie as it reaches till her thighs and just covered her bottoms

Samriddhi's came out of the bathroom and saw Ayushman sitting on the bed with his laptop she then looked at the clock which showed past 4 in the morning

Samriddhi's lengha was in her hand and she picked up her dupatta from the table packing it in the suitcase, she went towards the wardrobe and took out the extra blanket and pillows keeping it on the couch

"Hey! You can use the bed if you want" She heard Ayushman saying as he kept his laptop on the nightstand

"No its alright, I am comfortable on the couch itself" Samriddhi said sitting on the couch and settling her pillow on it

"Can you off those lights please" she asked him as he was close to the switch board and seeing him nod she then layed on the couch pulling the covers over her head

While Ayushman who had his eyes on her the moment she came out tof the bathroom, his eyes were fixed on her the whole time observing her every action

He couldn't get her look out of his brain, her long hoodie which reached her thighs showing her thick milky white thighs for a second it took Ayushman off guard when she bends a bit to get those extra blanket out but then he saw her black shorts making him sigh in relief and now that he recollects the moment he was shocked at himself

'When did I become a pervert?' He shakes his head pulling the covers on himself and closed his eyes as sleep took him the next moment because he was too tired


Time skips next morning:-

Samriddhi jerked off her sleep, little sweat drops formed on her forehead even though it was an air-conditioned room in a winter morning, breathing uneven making it hard for her to breath, her throat was dried as she looks around the room for water and sees a jug of water next to the bed on the nightstand

She walks to it and pours herself a glass chugging it down her throat hydrating herself she sighs calming herself down and again sits on the couch holding her head

Samriddhi picks her phone looking at the time and her eyes became wide like saucer enough for it to come out and then she saw the notification

She opened it to see that her Mother-inlaw texted her saying to wear a saree on her first day making her tense as she doesn't know how to drape it around her

Somehow she proceeds to take a quick cold shower and she comes out wearing a blouse and a petticoat

"Cool down Sam, you wore a saree twice on your farewell and also you saw your teacher helping a girl with her saree you just need to recal- wait" Samriddhi tried to calm down and releasing something she went to the couch to pick her phone and she searches on how to drape a saree

Following the steps carefully her all focus was on how to drape it and where the pallu is going and coming which was quite confusing for her

Sensing some movement in the room Ayushman wake up only to see a women standing with a petticoat and a blouse trying to drape a saree which was laying on the ground

He saw her slim milky white waist and back of hers which made him go crazy, standing up from the bed he made his way towards her standing behind her

There were water droplets on her back and waist, her Light still dark brown hairs which were still wet as water dripped from her hairs was on one side of her shoulders while some shorts strands were handing on, and he realised that she smells like sandal wood which made him calm as soon as the smell reaches till his nostrils

"What are you doing" Samriddhi flinched and the plates which she made after whole 10 minutes slipped from her hands turning around she saw him

"What are you doing at 7 in the morning?" His deep morning voice gave her chills his silky chestnut brown hairs messed up and his still sleepy grey eyes was not helping either

His face held a grumpy look and eyes were almost red with the lack of sleep as he slept for less than two hours

"Wearing a saree" she says and steps a bit back to maintain distance as he was too close and was almost towering her 5'8 height not her problem he was 6'2 huge giant she was tall enough

But while stepping back unknown of the fact that she already had her leg tangled in the saree and it made her stumble back, her eyes widened as she tried to grip on him but couldn't

And in a swift motion Ayushman held her from her waist which was bare and soft wrapped with a rough hand around as they both held an intense eye contact

Ayushman who was in his half sleep was now wide awake holding an almost half naked Samriddhi in his arms and realising this she pushed him from his chest and stands on her feet while he steps back a bit and looking away from her

His eyes travels through the mobile that was kept on the dressing and a video was on making him realise

"You don't know how to drape a saree?" Samriddhi looks at him a bit taken back and then slowly nods

A sigh left Ayushman's mouth "Do you want help?"

"You know how to drape a saree?" Samriddhi asked a bit astonished when she saw him nodding and shrugging his shoulders

"Yep I used to help Dadi, Ma and chachi with these when I was young and soon learnt" He said as he bends to pick the cloth up that was half laying on the floor and half of it tucked in the petticoat hanging.

She nods at him as he stood up and circles around her to wrap the saree around and then taking the rest of the cloth he started to make plates, he was doing all of it so professionally like he was trained to do so which was really surprising for Samriddhi

Once Ayushman made the plate he handed her the plated cloth to tuck it in the petticoat, While Ayushman took the rest of the cloth and placed it on her shoulder he took a safety pin and secured the pallu with the blouse and gave her another designer safety pin for the plates of her saree

He bends to fix her plates tightly and on while all this he noticed a red rose tattoo on her side waist with blood drops dripping from it, the tatoo wasn't too small or big but properly visible. He wanted to touch it, to trace the tattoo which looked irresistibility hot, 'Behind the close doors we are just strangers' This line repeatedly came in his mind and there was an unknown feeling that made his heart ache.

Once he was done making her wear the saree he stood up and looked at her from top to bottom as a smile crept on his face which was small but still visible making Samriddhi smile too

She turned to the mirror and it would be a lie if she said she wasn't impressed by it, if he would be a fictional character she would have been jumping around the whole room simping at it but he wasn't, he was a real men and she hates it and also her husband, he was too good to be real.

"Thankyou so much for this" she said smiling at herself while looking at the mirror, Ayushman always wondered how quick she changes herself, her attitude.

"But why are you getting ready?" He asked frowning not understanding

"Its the first day and also Mumma texted me yesterday night saying I should wear a saree on my first day" Samriddhi said and turned to face him who looked at her and pressed his lips in a thin line nodding a bit

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you see, yesterday everyone came back very late at night" Samriddhi nodded confused as she listens to him

"No ones gonna wake up today at least till 12pm, they all slept at 3 or 4 last night sooo....." It was getting really hard for Ayushman as he tried to control his laugh by biting his lips looking at Samriddhi who was wide eyed

Obviously she took a shower at 6:30 in morning and wore a freaking saree just so she could know that no one is gonna wake up today early but her also she was a bride herself who slept in the early morning.

"Are you for real?" She asked him and closed her eyes to control her anger building in

"Yea, I mea-" Ayushman tried to say but was cutt off by her

"You yourself helped me to wear a saree and you couldn't even tell me that, Are you even serious man!" She said pointing her index finger at him as she started walking towards him while backed away only to get pinned on the wall by her

Her breath were heavy as she glared at him who gulped hard saying

"What my fault in this?"

"Yea right you can never be at fault right?" She asked sarcasm dripping from her mouth

Ohh how hard she was resisting herself not to beat him and get her anger out, Ayushman could see her honey brown eyes that darken at him but what worried him more the dark eyebags and swollen eyes

"I am sorry for that I forgot to ask you that earlier, but hey you can sleep for some time if you want" He said raising his hands up in the air to surrender

"How can I even sleep in a saree, it would get crumbled" She sighs backing away from him and calming her anger down

'Shit! She is a shot tempered person just like Rehan' Ayushman thought as he relaxes a bit

"I am hungry" She said keeping a hand on her stomach and rubbing it a bit and soon it made a lound sound making the man next to her chuckle silently

"What do you want to eat?" Ayushman asks "Pancakes? Poha? Or Bread jam?"

"No if I would eat early in the morning I might end up vomiting, can you make me a smoothie?" Ayushman nodded before opening the door to leave

Just when Ayushman left the room, Samriddhi heard a phone ringing as she looks at her phone and then picks it up

"Didn't I said that don't call me for 3-4 days, don't you get one fucking thing in your head?" She whispered yelled at the person on the other side of the call

"But Mam, 'HE' ran away from the warehouse!"


Well can you guess who is a "HE" here who ran away.

The next chapter might reveal some secrets!

Who is excited?

Also, I wanted to say that some of you might get offended on how I portray Samriddhi and her figure and features, please don't get me wrong its just how I imagined her,
Yea I did imagined her as a white girl and I will write that as well. I know it can be a bit sad, I too agree with "Brown beauty" I am really sorry for not doing that and I always wanted to write a book on brown girl as well but for this one As I imagined Samriddhi from the start I can't actually change it all of a sudden

I am not discriminating anyone by this. Try to understand.

So please don't hate me for this you all, and I hope you understand my intentions.

And we have more that 2k read? I mean I am cryingggg!!!!!!
Thankyou for all your support

And please vote and comment y'all it helps me to write more and inspire

Anyways, see you in the next one <3

Feel free to point out my mistakes!!!

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