06 | The Successful Date


"Kabhi street momos try kiya hai?"

(Have you ever tried Street Momos?)

To be honest I don't know what is going inside that little head of hers, this girl confuses me a lot. I found myself shaking my head as a sign 'no'. I could see her eyes shines at this

She came a little forward and adjusted herself on the chair as she proceeds to whisper

"Let's give you some new experience then!" That all she said before getting up and signalling the waiter to come to our table, and here I am confused sitting just looking at her as I was about to pay the bill but she already took out her credit card from the back of her phone cover.

Why did I ever thought of that idea before? Once she was done she looked at me

"Don't mind me Mr.Singhania but you do seem quite lazy"

"Excuse me Miss?" I arched my eyebrows at her as she rolls her eyes

"Get up fast!!!" She said and took me off guard while taking my hands in her as she drags me out of the restaurant hurriedly

Once we are out I don't know why but she was standing on the footpath of the road that was right infront of the restaurant we were earlier in, she tucks her hair looking left and right and then again left as she stood there tapping her feet on the road waiting, who is she waiting for?

"Are we waiting for someone?" I blurted out in confused and looks at me with an emotionless face

"For a cab or a taxi obviously!" She said and again focused on the road as I took out the key of bike from the back pocket of my pants jiggling infront of her face

"Wait- You had a bike before! Could have told me about that" She spoke again her hands rested on her hips as I moved to the bike before sitting on it and starting

"You never asked" I just shrugged my shoulders and signalled her to sit back but she looked at my Ducati and then me, I saw her biting her lower lip

"Can I ride?" She said as I kept blinking my eyes, what she wants to ride? I came out of my trance when she flicks her fingers infront of me

"Can I ride the Ducati? Please!" She said in her almost baby voice that I wouldn't have noticed if wasn't paid attention on

"You know to his ride a bike?" I said clearly specifying the things unlike her and found her nod almost immediately

Sighing I gave my helmet to her and slid back giving her space to come infront, she took the helmet and sat infront of me I could see her grinning from the side mirrors of the bike

Soon she started the bike, looking at her ride the bike gave me a different feeling, she was handling a bike heavier than her weight maybe and without any difficulty. She looks like female version of Singham if she would be given the police uniform, through her lashes her honey brown eyes looking at every corner of the road as she drives, the grip of her of bike and when she stops on the signal I was about to put my feet on the road so that we don't fall but before I could she was fast enough to do so effortlessly.

God know how long I have been observing her but we reached as she stops and park the bike on the side of the road. I looked around to see the beach that I was very familiar with 'The Juhu Beach' famous for its food as well but I never tried it, being a health conscious person and also I was never allowed since childhood.

I saw her running towards the stall "Juhu Chowpatty" famous for street food, I went behind her to look at the stall it looked unhygienic as she stood infront of the stall looking at the menu card

"Bhaiya! Ek plate Fried Momos aur Ek plate steam Momos, aur jaldi karna bohot bhook lagi hai" She said as the man nodded smiling and started with the order

(Brother! 1 plate fried Momos and one plate steam Momos and make it fast, I am hungry)

"Miss.Malhotra! The place doesn't look good we should go-"dragging her away from the stall I said but was cutt off by her seeing her index finger infront my face

"You won't die if you try once also have you ever even tried street food" I shook my head as she sighed and continued

"If you won't try, you won't get to explore, also you can eat in that expensive restaurants later but now I am craving for street food" she said as she walks away to take the order but winced as soon as she holds the paper plate in her hand

I immediately took it from her hand as it was hot and took the other plate from the stall as well, she started walking towards the shore side not too close though as she sat on the sand of the beach and pats on the space by her side. Once we settled I placed both my hands which had her Momos infront of her.

"Aap kese khayenge? Layiye ek plate dejiye mujhe" She said before holding the end of the paper plate and was about to pick up

(How will you eat? Let me hold one plate)

"No, I am okay you eat first" I spoke pulling the plate out her hold, the plate is already too hot for her hold

She sighs as she takes one bite of the Momo and then dipping in the red chutney then the green chutney and again taking the bite if it, a moan espaces her lips and a smile crept on her face

(Chutney- sauce)

She finishes the momo that was in her hand and was about to pick another one but she looks at me and then took one momo in her hand before forwarding it infront of me

"Open your mouth" My eyes widened listening to her

"Do you feed everyone on your date" I asked teasing her not before biting a bite if the food that she was feeding

"Well, this is my first date and anyways we are going to get married, we need to practice to act like that infront of our family" she shrugs her shoulders and feed me another bite with red chutney this time.

"I can't eat spicy" I spoke being terrified looking at the food and heard her chuckle, she ate that bite not before bursting into laughter

"Why are you laughing?" I asked frowning at that as she laughs more

"Stop pouting! God! You made me remember of someone" she said before she continued eating

Was I pouting? Shit man! Crusing myself I looked away embarrassed and heard another chuckle and another morsel of food infront of my mouth

But who did she remember? She must have male friends na? Fuck ayush you too have kavya but wait she is my bhabhi too so does that count. Wait she is my friend before being my bhabhi. Urghh not that a girl can't have male friends

Unknown feeling rushed inside Ayushman as he kept stealing glances of the girl that was sitting beside him

While Samriddhi thought it will be normal as she would look selfish by eating herself and him holding the plate for her, she did had male friends earlier but she wasn't in a situation to feed anyone and the only male guy she remembers feeding was her 9th grade boyfriend that wasn't serious about relationship and just wanted someone to pass time with and another male friend was Aditya which was quite normal between both of them.

As they both were done with the food on there plate but samriddhi wasn't done yet after all she is eating her favorite street food after ages, she won't let go of this opportunity easily also this guy who was sitting beside her made her take a leave for a day and knowing her brother and father she knows that they won't let her go to work tomorrow after landing as well so this was her time to take revenge

She stood up taking the empty paper plates in her hands before dumping it in the dustbin and ran to the other stall, while Ayushman walked behind her to see where she is going next only to see her standing with a paper bowl in her hand infront of the pani puri stall shaking his head he too went behind her and the guy who was selling the pani puri gave him the bowl too

"Bhaiya, ek theeka plate banana" Samriddhi said forwarding her plate infront of the vendor

(Brother, make one spicy plate of pani puri)

The vendor started making her order as she eats closing her eyes taking in all the flavors of the mouth watering food soon it was Ayushman's turn and just when he takes a bite his eyes watered and his tongue started to burn because of the spice

"Thats too spicy" He screamed startling the girl next to him who was busy devouring the food, samriddhi opened the cap of the mineral water bottle that was kept on the counter of the stall as she gave him the bottle to drink throwing the paper bowl in the dustbin.

"Fuck!!! Ahh how do you eat it?" He asked, eyes red and water dripped from him eyes, little nose red was a sight to see and samriddhi was controlling really hard to not laugh out loud, poor guy his eyes were watering instead of his mouth

"If you can't tolerate spicy then why eat it? Could have ask for a medium one" samriddhi explained as ayushman continued drinking from the bottle

Once samriddhi was done after wandering in few more food stalls trying different items, they then went towards the Kulfi (icecream) stall and got each one for themselves

Sitting near the sea shore on the sand silently eating their Pista Kulfi (Pistachio icecream). Their moment was disturbed as one elderly couple tapped on Ayushman's shoulders to get their attention

"Dear, can you click a picture of us?" Asked the elder lady extending her phone infront of them

Ayushman nodded and ate the last bite of his Kulfi quickly before handing it to Samriddhi who holds it and sees him standing up to click the picture

The couple stood there back facing the sea as their background and the wind blowing softly across their faces a smile crep on Samriddhi's face looking at them who were happily posing with each other. The elder man moved his hand inside his pocket to remove a red rose before holding it infront of his wife's eyes which make her gasp and squeal in excitement Ayushman smiled before capturing the moment as the man set the red rose in his wife's hair.

"Thankyou so much dear!" Said the man before taking the phone and thanking him

"No problem uncle" Ayushman said smiling widely when Samriddhi came by his side standing next to them

"You both are a beautiful couple always stay like this" Samriddhi spoke which made the couple a bit sad and this didn't go unnoticed by both of them

"I hope so, but it won't" The lady said with a lowly voice

"Ahh is everything okay?" Ayushman asked being a bit awkward but got confused looking at the sad smile on their faces

"I have a brain tumor, I just have a month left with me" Said the Lady again with a drop of tear escaping her eyes and running down her cheeks

"Life is really short Beta, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. When we were together we did many mistakes and didn't stick beside each other but look when destiny bought us together we can't stay together" the man said rubbing the back of his wife as she cries silently

"We went to hundreds of doctors and hospitals but they all said I am already on the last stage so there are no chances to cure me" The lady was clutching her backpack tightly to not cry infront of the kids on her misery

"Kismat mai toh hum sath the pr Taqdeer humari aachi nai thi" The man said with a sad smile on his face

(We were destined to be together but we didn't had a good fate)

"Humari galtiyaan he kuch aesi thi, jab Taqdeer aur kismat donno thi tab humne usse undekha kar diya aur jab hum sath aaye toh aaj taqdeer of kismat donno ne humse muh pher liya." the lady by now was crying on her husbands shoulder and unknowingly Samriddhi and Ayushman hands collided holding each others, just like that the red thread of fate was connected together on their little finger. Thread of Fate

("Our mistakes were such that, when both fate and destiny were there, then we turned away from them and when we came together, today both destiny and fate turned away from us.)

The couple left weeping and crying in each others arms leaving back another couple in deep thoughts and unknown feelings started developing in both of them certainty they both knew what they were doing wasn't good but growing up in situations where the one has seen a family and marriage breaking all her childhood and the other has seen that what is feels like to trust and love someone more than anything but still was betrayed. Their own past wasn't letting them move on and holding them back

The hands which were coiled together were slowly and slowly drifting apart though the thread of fate had connected both of them with each other but it was hard for them to move on leaving their past. The love, attraction, affection slowly turned to hurt, pain, betrayed, fear and most important separation, they have seen it happen infront of their eyes.

The experienced past which was holding them back and filling their brain with negative thoughts, they both came to the conclusion that they are doing right.

The blowing wind signifies that the step that both are going to take was wrong somehow even the shore was crying on their condition wanting them to take the right decision before taking the wrong one but what can they do when Samriddhi and Ayushman were determined

Once again they let their impulsive thoughts win over the positive one, the moon let the clouds cover him so he won't have to the one to see their sepration.

It was when the clouds started to turn grey in color not able to unnoticed the two of them being lonely again and heavy droplets of water started to form one by one, the clouds cried in agony. When the bike stopped infront of the hotel building.

Ayushman entered the corridor of the floor he was staying on only to see his bestfriend standing on door waiting for him

Kavya nervously looked at Ayushman and he didn't had the nerve to tell her about the conditions he discussed with Samriddhi, Kavya who looked at him with all her nervousness squeals in excitement and jumps to to engulfed him in a koala hug when she saw him smiling and nodding at her giving the signal that the date went well

Leaving Ayushman who was still thinking about the conversion a d his thoughts, it was battle for him and he was standing in between. He came out of his thoughts when kavya screamed in his ears to get him to the real world

"I am calling Dadu and Dadi oh my god, we have to do so many arrangements. I am really happy for you Ayush!!! Let's get this work over as soon as possible, I can't wait to welcome the soon to be bride home" kavya went inside her room closing the door shut again leaving Ayushman all by himself as he went in his room.

That night he let darkness of his life engulf him to sleep.

Samriddhi was no different, she was just looking at Payal who was happily dancing and opening the can of beer to celebrate her friends upcoming wedding, not being able to control on her emotions of being the only sister of the bride with four others

Samriddhi took little steps to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, the mirror was infront of her as she looks at herself

"I am doing right!" Was all she said to herself before washing up and going to bed.

Late update I know. But here the chapter

What do you guys think about it?

Should they give a chance to their fate or not?

Uhh cmon if they will how will I write the story, it will end before even it get started, hehe I know I am stonehearted but anyways

Please vote y'all and comment about the chapter

Stay tuned for the next one
See you soon <3

Feel free to comment down my mistakes

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