04 | Blind Date?

Its was 2:45pm when I had a frankie in hand and was on the way to the mansion sitting in a car while my secretary is driving

"Did you booked any hotel for the stay?" I looked at my side while munching to see my secretary nodding a big

"I did, also I wanted to inform you about the Bruno's surgery, it was successful and now he can walk but the vet said to give rest as much as possible though Mihir Sir is visiting hospital daily to check on him and also Rehan Sir went to pick him up to get him discharged" He completed as I nodded looking infront on the road again

Bruno is my Doberman he was bought by Mihir and Rehan Bhai as a birthday gift just a year ago, we bonded very well but after few months he got a leg problem and some surgeries to be done, I just hope he get on his legs again he was just few months old and got hospitalised.

Soon we reached to the mansion and got out of the car as I walked in I saw Bruno sitting with Mihir looking at him who sitting on the carpet that was placed infront of the couch, his books on the table that was placed infront of couch as he sits in place between it folding his legs and going through some papers, his other free hand was softly creasing on Bruno's ear who sensed someone arrival and got up to run towards me as I crouched to his level petting him who practically jumped over me licking my face

A giggle left from Mihir's mouth but soon replaced by a poker face while looking away pretending he never saw me, just then Rehan Bhai came in the drawing room with a bowl which has a name carved on it Bruno, it belongs to him

"Hey Bun, come here I got you your favorite" Rehan Bhai said as he kept the bowl near the table where Mihir was studying making Bruno jump but he didn't leave me

"Looks like Bruno missed his mother" I chuckled at bhai's statement and stood up to walk towards his bowl of food as Bruno followed me and started eating

"Where is dad?" I asked bhai still looking at Bruno who was eating while I pet him

"He is on his way till then why don't you change in something comfortable for the flight and then we'll leave" Rehan Bhai said as I nodded before I made my way towards my room with Bruno who followed me while jumping seeing him jumping I just picked him up in my arm as he wraps his paws around my neck and we walk upstairs

"Looks like he forgot me" Mihir sighed looking at Bruno as Rehan laughs at him

"He got to see her after a week and again she going to Mumbai you will have whole 3 days with him, don't worry" Rehan ruffles Mihir's hair who scrunched his face away making the elder laugh historically at him

"Baccha, Come on let's go otherwise you'll miss the flight" Veer said as he waited for his daughter with both his sons beside him, yea Mihir won't say but still he wants to see off his sister, he can't just let her go right? That was the reason he gifted her a Doberman last year on her birthday so he could protect her from everyone, although she was a cat person but she was always had a soft spot for Labrador, Doberman and German Shepard breeds he don't know the reason yet.

"I am ready dad, just a minute" and there she was with Bruno in her arms as she descended the stairs of the mansion with him, Rashmi was not in the mansion as she couldn't make it but she said she will directly reach the airport to see her off

"Ohh God Princess why do you have to carry him, put him down you might fall!" Rehan exclaimed as he saw his sister before moving towards them but by the time Samriddhi was already down as she let go of Bruno after placing him on his legs

"He just got his surgery done and if he jump like this he again might end up in hospital" samriddhi said ruffling Bruno who closed his eyes feeling the warmth of his owner

Soon they all left the mansion and went towards the car as Rehan sat on the driving seat and Veer beside him Samriddhi just behind Rehan and Mihir beside her who was tying the leash on Bruno's neck after making him wear his collar which was carved had his name on it, once done Rehan started his car and they made their way towards the airport

Soon they all reach the airport and saw Rashmi waiting outside the airport who hugged Bruno as she met him after a long time and cuddled him for a bit of time before they all move inside

Samriddhi hugged her mother and kissed cheeks as she moved towards her dad who engulfed her in a big bear hug before kissing her head, later Rehan too hugged her as he creases her hairs, Mihir was the last Samriddhi had to initiate the hug first as she knows he won't but he hugged her back tight giving her a kiss on her hairs.

Bruno barked and licked Samriddhi's cheeks with teary eyes he didn't want to let go off her but somehow Mihir distracted him and Samriddhi made her way inside the airport with her secretary who too arrived just now as her family bid her good bye.


On other hand Ayushman was sitting behind with his Secretary kavya who was busy looking outside of the window while the driver was driving the car from factory to their office, it was already past 6:45 in the evening

Ayushman had his laptop on his lap looking beside the woman every now and then, she just got her periods and was tired Ayushman did told her to go home and rest but kavya protested saying the factory visit is to be done quickly they seem to have some problem there

Kavya got a call on her phone as she picked up before looking at Ayushman who was busy with his laptop

"Hello Kavya? Are you busy?" Said the elder male on the other side of the phone

"No dadu? You want something?" Kavya asked in a polite way and got Ayushman's attention as well

"Yes, today we will have Rashmi and Veer for the dinner so please come home with Ayush no matter what, okay?" Said Shekar as kavya looked at Ayushman before speaking

"But dadu, we have an important metting at night and some paperwor-" Kavya was cutt off before she could complete her sentence and heard another voice from the other side

"Kavya give the phone to Ayush" this time it was dadi who spoke as kavya passes her phone to Ayushman who looks at her with a frown on his face before taking the phone from her hands and kept near his ears

"Ayush postpone your schedule and I want everyone in the house before  8pm especially you, you get that" the voice came out stern which scared Ayushman a bit as he just mumbled a small yes before hanging up

"Cancel our evening schedule" That was all he sayed before giving kavya her phone back who nodded

"Driver stop the car at our regular sweet shop before we go home" driver nodded and Ayushman frowned at her

"Mr&Mrs.Malhotra are coming for the dinner and we can't let them go empty handed its the first time he is coming with her wife in our house" Kavya explained making Ayushman nod and the driver took a u-turn driving to their house.


Soon we reached the mansion and made our way towards the living area of the mansion to see a couple already sitting there, I could make out it was Mr.Malhotra as I have already seen him plenty of times but not his wife, he got remarried after 20 years.

"You are late" It was Dadi who glared at me as kavya moved towards the couple touching there feets but the lady just hugged her saying 'daughters don't touch feets' I looked at the wrist watch to see its already 8:22pm sure the drive was longer than I expected

"Sorry dadi, there was a lot of traffic" said kavya as I too made my way towards the couple before touching there feet and the lady just patted my back smiling at me, giving her a small smile I sat beside kavya

"Sorry Kavya we couldn't attend your wedding, I and Rashmi was out of India with Rehan and came back a few weeks ago but he had to stay for long time" said Mr.Malhotra as they stared talking with my family, everyone was present expect Aarav, Janvi and Abhinav

"Its okay Uncle, I myself had to work on my wedding week" Kavya said glaring at me making me roll my eyes again

"Really? Hey Abhijeet what kind of boss are you? Who let's daughter work in her most important time like that" Said Mr.Malhotra glaring at my chachu

"It wasn't me, kavya works with Ayush as his Secretary" chachu raises his hands up surrendering before pointing his finger at me

"It was just a day work and was important and we had a bit of problem in the company had to sought out as quick as possible, also she offered her help" I said sighing looking at my family and heard a chuckle from Mrs.Malhotra

"Yea yea whatever" kavya rolled her eyes at me

"Let me get freshen up quickly till then" I said before making my way to my room on my way I saw Abhinav and Aarav going downstairs

"Come soon, I am damn hungry bhai" Aarav whined as I shut my room's door close

Once I was in my comfortable wear I made my way downstairs in a grey trouser and navy blue t-shirt. Looking at the dining table everyone sat down talking to each other

Mrs.Malhotra looked at me while smiling and signaled me to take a seat beside her, she reserved a seat for me? Shrugging off my thought I made my way and sat beside her

Everyone had their plates full of food as I too served myself and started eating not interested in the talk of elders, none if my business

"So, how old is our Rehan?" Papa asks as my hold on the spoon tightens hearing name

"He turned 35 last month" said Mr. Malhotra before eyeing at me

"And what about your daughter?" This time it was my Mom and just by her tone I understood her intentions

"Samriddhi is 28 now" Mr.Malhotra replied smiling at my mom who looked me

"Why didn't you bring Samriddhi and Rehan then?" Dadu asked chewing on his food

"She had to go for a business trip, we came after dropping her only and Rehan went to the mansion with Mihir" said Mrs.Malhotra and dadu nodded his head

Janvi was here glancing at Mrs.Malhotra every now and then as she hesitate to say something, maybe she wanted to interact and janvi was too introverted for that cause its her first meet with her

"So Aunty I heard you are an Interior designer" I started the convo eyeing at janvi who grinned at me for starting the topic, Mrs.Malhotra smiled

"Yes, I am also an event manger though my main job is of interior designing" said Mrs.Malhotra before eating from her spoon

"Even our Janvi has some interest in Interior Designing, Right?" Abhinav said and patted her head as he was sitting next to her who nodded almost immediately

"Is that so? How old are you janvi?" Mrs.Malhotra asked her who smiled widely and said

"I turned 18 this year" Mrs.Malhotra nodded passing her a smile

"So, which course are you opting for?" Janvi rubbed the back of her neck before answering her

"I want to be a fashion designer but I too like interior designing" Mrs Malhotra just laughed as they started getting comfortable and talking to each other more about the interior and fashion stuff, she too had a great knowledge about fashion I could say that the way she vocalise her thoughts on it

Soon the dinner ended with laughter and fun, janvi got more close to Mrs.Malhotra as she talks with her now freely, while Mr.Malhotra was busy with dadu, papa and chachu about some business stuffs and some ongoing projects, also the project on which ma and papa were working earlier was successful and thats the reason of this whole dinner party as Mr.Malhotra helped in the deal

It was time to bid good bye to the guest, Mrs.Malhotra hugged Janvi who hugged back her soon, they congratulated our newly wedded couple and then they proceeded to hug my parents and chachu and chachi as well, Aarav was close with Mr.Malhotra as they would joke around almost every minute or two, Mrs.Malhotra crouches to touch dadu and dadi's feet but dadu just pulled her in hug and whispered something in her ear making her laugh.

Mr.Malhotra looked at me passing me a smile as he hugged me and patted my back and giving him back a small smile we bid the couple a good night as they left.

Soon everyone went upstairs to their room being tired leaving Aarav and kavya who ran to the games rooms as they will play till midnight because tomorrow is Sunday with a worried Abhinav behind knowing well about kavya's mood swings especially on her periods

I was about to go inside my room when dad called me in his study room

As soon as I entered the study I saw Ma, papa, dadu and dadi all of them sitting on the couch that was placed in the study room, I just pulled out a chair from the desk and sat on it before placing infront of them

"You all wanted to talk? Is there some problem" I asked looking at them as they grinned at each other before looking back at me

"Yes, and the problem is you" Ma said and glared at me before looking at me now they had their expression change, What's wrong with these guys?

"What did you say to Mishika on the date?" Papa asked in a stern tone

"She already had a boyfriend and she was trying to seduce me on the date as well not only that she was even flirting with the waiter" I said as I heard a sigh left from dadu's mouth before he locked at dadi

"Well, then what about Roop? She is a good girl and she was eve-" Papa said but cutt of by me

"She is! But she is not my type" I saw ma rolling her eyes on me

"Then what your type?" Dadi asked as she squinted her eyes, coming to that I don't really have a type as I think about it but seeing dadi I just spoke what came in my mind not wanting to anger her

"M-my type? I- I want an ambitious girl who is very much serious about her career and dreams and want to achieve it. A-and a very rational and und-understandable woman" wait did I just described myself, why can't I open my mouth infront of dadi

"Well now that you are not understanding and rational, I guess you do need that qualities in your partner so she can hit some brain in you" Dadi said as she stood up glaring at me and moving past me before standing infront of the door

"This time I will find you a girl which is your type and dare you create a ruckus on the date, I will make sure to take your laptop away from you" dadi said turning towards me and pointed her index finger on me while speaking and then walked out of the door making me gulp hard

"I swear Ayush! If you played your games this time I will take away your CEO position and will give you only if you get married" Not that papa was serious but he can do no doubt in it and everyone left the room glaring at me.

How is that my fault? the girls I have met either seduces me so I can give them money or will either have multiple boyfriends and I did found 2-3 girls who are okay for the marriage but they don't want to put with my conditions.

Shaking my head I to went to bedroom and closed the door behind, no matter what happens I will never ever love or trust someone again I can't even if I want to I just can make my mind up

Sitting on the bed the only thought that roam in my mind was how to get out of this mess and about my past, how messed it was.

Feeling my eye lids heavy I slipped into the covers as I let the sleep took over me

We landed on the Mumbai airport and booked a taxi whereas I sent my secretary in another taxi to the hotel and made my way to my friends house.

Stopping in between to get some beer and whiskey, I went inside the building which was apparently of some 40 floors

And soon I was standing infront of the door of hers as I pressed the door bell and waited patiently to be greeted

The door opened as I saw a man stood infront of the door shirtless and had his black trousers, he smirked towards me making me roll my eyes

"She still have a bad taste" I whispered before shaking my head but looks like the male who was in somewhat his late 20's heard and raised his eyebrows

"Babe! Is it the garbage? Here take it and pass them?" Hearing a females voice I knew she was in as I heard the male snickers looking at me

"Looks like you got a garbage at your home and guess we have to get rid of him as quick as possible!" Walking past him I said while looking at the female who was in a black shirt which I guessed it was the man standing now next to me as the shirt reached to her thighs.

As soon as she heard me her head snapped to my direction and she kept the cup from which she was drinking earlier and ran to me

I stumbled on my feet as I picked her up who hugged me like koala not even letting me breathe

"Stupid, should've told you're coming" she said still hugging me hanging on

"Then I wouldn't have known that you have this cartoon over in your house" I said as we giggled freeing eachother and heard gasping in our surrounding as the door shuts close

"Just one night stand, don't worry" she said before she went to pick her cup which she kept on the balcony table earlier

"Payal, I hope you know I am still here" the man said glaring at my direction

"Ohh yea I am sorry but you need to go" she said as she gave him the coat that was hanging on the chair of the dining and his bag that was on the couch his shoes as she opened the door for him

"That shirt is mine as well" he said looking at his shirt

"Ohh well can you take this one next time" she said and pushed him out of the door and closed it on his face

"That was weird and what next time? what's this creature called anyways?" I asked raising an eyebrow as Payal rubs the back of her neck

"Just he is a good guy and his name is Vansh" she said before signaling to the cup "chai?"


"Nahh its already past 8 also I got some beer and whiskey" I pulled up the beer can before sitting on the couch which was placed in the living area as I saw Payal closing the door of balcony before taking a place next to me on the couch and picking up another can of beer

A long sigh escaped from Payal "So how's everything going?" She looked at me sipping her beer as I just nodded a bit

"All good, just have some work around and also I thought to catch up with you guys I heard you all are done with your pg's" I saod as she nodded

"Yep, Suman is done with her gynaecologist's degree and Dhruvi has also got her surgeon degree while on the other hand our Roop is doing great with her physiotherapy clinic" Payal said smiling nudging me a little

"What about Adi?" I asked as she laughed a little

"Don't ask you remember he opted for BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)?" As I nodded she continued "he called me a day before yesterday crying that he doesn't want to see smelly mouths of people anymore though I encouraged him a little" she completed with a laugh again

"What about you Miss researcher?" I asked only to get her whine as she keeps her head on my shoulder saying

"Don't ask, I didn't knew microbiology will be this hard, you are lucky you went with business leaving this hectic medical field" she says making me giggle a bit

"Yea, even tho I wanted to continue with my bio tech I still want to but looks like this medical field was never made for me I never belong here" I could feel my voice came a bit lowered than usual and soon was engulfed by Payal who hugged to her chest rubbing my back trying to comfort me a bit

Just when I thought I was about to get better I heard my phone ringing as I pulled it out of my pocket and looking at the caller Id I picked the call

"Yes mom?" I asked, very well aware I called her as soon as I reached the airport

"I wanted to have few words with you" Mom said hesitance was very clearly heard

"Yea sure say" I spoke ever so softly thinking it might be serious

"beta ek rishta aaya hai tumhare liye, aur hum chahte hai ki tum ek baar milo ladke se... Mumbai mai he"

(Beta, a marriage proposal has come for you, and we want you to meet the boy once in Mumbai.)


He he, cliffhanger! I know ;)

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