02 | It was An Accident

Ayushman made his way still walking to her direction walking around the desk as she looks at him straight in the eye and before he could do or say anything he stumbled on his way

Closing his eyes ready to bear the hurt but he could feel nothing in the end...

Opening his eyes his light grey eyes met a pair of honey brown eyes as they got lost in each other, her hand on his waist securely holding him, preventing him to fall and land on his butt.
They both stood there being in each other arms.

"You know? You're heavy Mr.Singhania! If you won't stand up we both might fall" She said as her lips got sealed together while holding Ayushman's whole weight in her hands

That got him back to reality as he stood up on legs whilst looking here and there

"How the hell this pen is on the floor" he cursed before picking it from the floor and keeping the pen on the desk on which he stumbled before

"By rolling!" He raised his eyebrows in confusion as she further explained

"By rolling it was on the floor" she said as he pointed his index finger on her face to defend himself but before he could say she hold his finger pulling him on her making him stumble on its balance

"Never point fingers on me" her eyes darken as she spoke making him visibly gulp on her cold voice and expressionless face also the position was not helping at all

Her back was on the desk and he was now totally leaning over her, his index finger was in between her long slim fingers and his other hand was on the either side of her desk to prevent himself to fall over her

Just then to make the situation worse the door opened wide as a male in his early or mid 20's came in more like announcing his presence

"Ayush Bhai!!!!" Said the male but as soon as he entered but he turned 180° on his toes after witnessing the sight in front of his eyes

This whole thing took Ayushman's guard off as his hands that were on her desk few seconds ago, from sudden jerk he lost his balance and falls on her.

His lips now touching her soft ones as they looked in each others eyes wide open like it will come out anytime soon

"Sorry to interrupt bhai!! I have some work byee!!!" Saying the male left not before closing the door

I mean they need privacy, right?

Samriddhi pushed him the next second she heard the door closed as she wipes her lips with the back of her hand and her nude color lipstick was now smudged

She looked at him who was now on his butt on the floor groaning in pain but looking at her glare he quickly stood up and tried to speak to defend himself

"It was an accident, L-listen l-l-look I did-didn't mean to do so, I was to taken back by the sudden jerk and lost m-my ba-balance all of sudden and also w-we were in weird position-" Ayushman rambled all of the sudden as soon as his grey eyes met hers which was now burning like fire and his rambling was only working like a fuel to it

"SHUT UP, WILL YOU!!!" she yelled at him with her dangerous cold voice making him shi- I mean shut his mouth with his finger on his lips

She moved towards him but couldn't utter anything her frustration was clearly seen as she fisted her hands and walked over to his desk before taking the contract and signing it.

And after the she walked towards him closing the distance between but Ayushman tried to back off looking at her... She looked quite pissed off

Her hand holds his neck tie and she pulled him to her level not like she small but she wanted to match his eye level to hers, her other hand moved towards his cheek as her thumb touched his lips

What are you intentions Samriddhi? 😏 our Ayushman is innocent!


She wipes off the lipstick of her that was now on his lips after all, the lipstick is expensive

What were you guys thinking?

Giving him the last glare she moved out of his cabin before taking her phone and slamming the door shut making our poor Ayushman flinch at the sudden noise


As soon as Samriddhi left the cabin leaving Ayushman who was still confused whether he should go and apologise to her or stay back and stay and work as usual

He thought to go with the second option because she was already angry and his presence would make it worse, also it was not his fault she pulled him which caused him to fall over her, right?

Soon he started working opening his laptop not before signing the contract and keeping it safely somewhere in his drawer

It was 8 pm when Ayushman was again disturbed by a knock on his cabin door, and with a cold 'come in' he let the person in

"The file is completed Mr.Singhania" said the employee as she came in while the sound of heels clicking was heard as she stood in front of his desk to gain his attention but Ayushman was too in grossed in his laptop that he didn't even bothered to look at her

"Yea just keep it and you can leave" he said as she sighs looking at him

"At least have a look on it, will you?" her tone was informal which made Ayushman groan in annoyance glaring at her petite figure he stood up from the desk

"Miss.Sharma,we are in office I would rather prefer professionalism and formal behavior." He said before going through the file that was given by her.

"Ohh buzz off Ayush, its already 8:15 which means I am off duty and I can talk with my best friend however I want" she said before plopping herself on the couch and her legs on the table that was in front of her she looked at Ayushman who was just shaking his head in disbelief

"Stop shaking your head it might come off from that hot body of yours" she says as she heard a chuckle from him before he starts moving towards her

"Well if you would have done the work properly I wouldn't have to shout on you at noon" Ayushman said as he sat couch that was kept next to her

"Well now as you shouted don't you think you should treat me a meal" she asked showing him her puppy eyes making him roll his eyes

"Its your work and I do have a right to correct you, so now you buzz off kavya" she dramatically gasped as she looks at him pouting but soon she smirked

"Well how was the kiss?" She asked before she sat up straight looking at him all excited like a kid.

At this point Ayushman face paled when he heard, 'how does she know and if she know whole office would know and if whole office would know whole media would know and if whole media knows his family too will know and then I am done for sure' before he could over think more kavya again interrupted

"Stop your over thinking only I and Aarav know that's all, don't worry it will be our Top Secret" She said as he looked back at her in horror

"A secret? Safe with you? Do you think I am an idiot to consider that?" He said with a done face eyeing her up and down

"Ayee, come on I was the one who kept a secret that you hugged a girl in your 5 grade, you can trust me!" Kavya said patting her back proudly

"I didn't mean to hug her, that girl threw herself on me and you said you will keep it a secret but that last for only two weeks and you were running in my whole Mansion telling everyone that I Hugged A Girl! Even the maharaj who cooks the food, so tell me Miss.Kavya Sharma How The Fuck Can I Trust You!" Ayushman explained all the points and stretched the last line making kavya look away from anything but him

"O-okay I-I was just a kid back then! In c-college you broke a boy's nose I didn't tell about that to anyone" Kavya again said wiggling her eyebrows

"Because he was stalking you!! And Chacha ji got to know about it later!" He said glaring at her

"But I didn't spoke a single word to anyone, Now don't change the topic and tell me about your first kiss" She smirked looking at him who now looked away from anything but her, the ceiling and the marble floors were suddenly looking interesting to him

"Oyee, Speak up na! That girl is something, The Great Ayushman Singhania couldn't win against her." Kavya jumped on the couch

"Shut up and keep your hopes down, its just I stumbled and fall over her also I couldn't argue much cause I was angry on you and lashed it out on her. She is just a business partner" Ayushman stood up before walking towards his desk and taking his coat from the chair

"Kya pata yeh Business partner Life partner kab ban jaye" kavya said before moving towards him who was wearing his coat

(Who knows that this business partner might turn into life partner)

"Never! You know everything still? You better leave, I don't want to talk about it.Also this is the last time we are having this conversation." Ayushman declared before moving out of his cabin leaving kavya alone sighing

"You can't run away everytime ayush" she said shaking her head before leaving behind him


I entered the Mansion gate with my car as the gate was opened my the guards standing there

Parking the car on its place I moved out only to see My Mom standing and waiting for me at the gate with a worried look

"Where were you? Do you know what time it is?" My mom asked as soon as I stood in front of her and behind her I saw my younger brother's wife coming

"You left the office at before me, where were you all this time! Do you think its a joke Ayush? Do you know how worried we were?" She shouted as soon as she came out with her eyebrows crashed together and her lips dried

"I was in my apartment Kavya, sorry to not inform you guys I just needed some space, its pretty late you both should sleep. I'll take my dinner myself, Good night mumma Good Night Kavya"

Yes, My best friend is my bhabhi Kavya Singhania she didn't want to disclose to the media yet so we kept it a secret for now

I went inside with them as I pushed both of them upstairs and looked at my younger brother who was at the stairs standing there

"You should inform before going Bhai don't you know you have 2 mothers and both of them will have the whole house on their head if something happens to you" He said making his way downstairs and keeping his hands on Kavya and ma's shoulders standing between them

"Don't you think you're speaking too much nowadays Mr.Abhinav Singhania" Kavya glared at him before hitting on his stomach with her elbow as he groans playfully but soon his nose scrunched and eyes widen when Ma twisted his ears

"Abh T- Tayji! Sorry na, it hurts" He said begging like a kid making kavya chuckle

"Bohot jaban chal rahi hai aaj kal, haina?" She said as she twisted his ears more and kavya laughs looking at them.

"Don't laugh too much, I'll see you once we go in the room" Abhinav whispered to kavya who looked at him with wide eyes as soon as ma left his ears

A yelp escaped from his lips again as I hit his head this time after ma left to her room

"Bhai!!!!!" He whined as kavya chuckled but soon shut up seeing Abhinav's glare

"Stop glaring and threatening her, idiot!" I said as I made my way towards my room leaving the couple while shaking my head.

A smile crept on my lips as I looked back at Kavya and Abhinav who were still busy in there sweet quarrel, they had an arranged marriage 1 month ago and looking at them making a progress in relationship I was happy looking at my brother.

My mind went again to the conversation that me and kavya had in office back then I can never love someone in that same way, no one knows how bad I regret meeting her, I want to erase that part of my life and looking back makes me so weak that I can't afford to become weak not again, I will never be that Ayushman that I use to be before.

I bumped into someone breaking my trance as I looked at the person standing in front of me, he looked at me with adoration and pure love thats what I see in his eyes I bend down and touch his feet and stood up once I felt his hand on his head

"You had dinner?" He asked and not even letting me speak he again spoke "let's have dinner."

"You didn't eat yet? Dadu how many times I said you to eat on time and what about your medicine you-" Here I was talking with him and he is not even listening as he starts walking downstairs.

Following him to the dining table he moves towards the kitchen with me behind lecturing him as I kept my bag on the dining table in the way, I sighed looking what's happening inside the kitchen

"Papa! Chachu! Keep that icecream inside" I whispered yelled at them as I saw them in kitchen eating icecream, they flinched seeing me there

"Hey! Give me some as well" Dadu said ignoring me walking towards them and snatching their bowls but before they could eat a hand snatched the bowl again and a sigh left my mouth

"Don't you dare Shekhar!" Dadi yelled at Dadu taking his bowl and keeping it in the fridge again

"Bhaishab! Apko sugar hai aur aap yaha yeh kha rahe hai? Aur Abhijeet aap ko raat mai icecream khane se fever ho jata hai phir bhi?" Chachi said in a irritated tone before looking at all three of them who has their head down

(Brother! You have sugar and here you are eating it? And Abhijeet, you get fever after eating ice cream at night, still?)

"Like father like sons! All three of them are same, I don't know what's wrong with them and You Ayush!" Dadi said being angry on them but then she turned to me as I lowered my head

"Is this a time to come home? Kavya told me you left the company before her and still you are late and not even stopping them and letting them eat?" Dadi asked as I just pouted looking at her with puppy eyes making the other three male smile as they can now escape knowing the what I am about to do.

"Sorry Dadi, I was in my apartment had some work there and forgot to inform and about them, they never listen to me" thats all dadi melted as she glared at her sons and husband who ran from the kitchen making chachi chuckle while reheating the food for me

Dadi cupped my cheeks and served the food in the plate for me before holding my hand and we walked to the dining table

"Next time inform where you are okay?" I nodded as we both sat on the table

"Shalini beta! Can you get my medicine, I need to have it now" Dadu said as he too sat on the dining looking at dadi who was feeding me with her hands

"Don't worry Chachi I already bought it for Dadu" said My sister walking towards the dining with a box in her hand making Dadu smile

"Janvi never forgets" chachi smiled at her who sat across me beside Dadu as she pours water in a glass

"Because she is my granddaughter!" Dadi said feeding me another morsel smiling at janvi

"No! She is my Princess!" Dadu pouted looking at janvi as we laughed and janvi chuckled before giving him the medicine

"Shalini? Where is Ruchi? She slept or what?" Dadi asked looking at chachi

"Yes dadi, Ma have an important meeting tomorrow so she went once I entered the house" I informed chewing the food in mouth

"Ma is working hard for this project, I just hope she gets it" Janvi said looking at dadi while pouting unknowingly its her habit whenever she is worried she pouts

"Even Abhiraj is tensed about the project I heard he is taking help from Malhotra's" Dadu said once he took his medicine

"Ohh right, Did you sign the contract about the hospital project, ayush?" Chachi asked as all attention was on me now

"Yea Miss.Malhotra came today as we signed the contract" I said as all of them nodded and janvi asked

"Miss.Malhotra? You mean Rashmi Malhotra?" Janvi asked with her eyes widen and a grin on her lips

"Who's she? Her name was Sa- Samriddhi Malhotra, yeah" I told her as she gave me a done look

"Well Rashmi Malhotra is the best Interior Designer bhai, you remember she only renovated our company! And Samriddhi Malhotra is her daughter who owns a cosmetic company" she explained me while her eyes sparkled, Well Janvi has a soft corner for interior designing but she is just 18 now and she wants to do fashion designing

"Samriddhi? Wait we all use her cosmetic products right" Dadi said as Janvi nodded.

"Ohh bhai you are here? I was searching for you" Said a man who came to the dining area

"Are you not asleep yet Aarav?" Dadi said as she feed me the last morsel

"Ask your favorite grandson! He gave me too much work to complete before tomorrow morning" Aarav said who joined the company just 2 months ago and was now throwing tantrums about everything

"Well I gave you a whole week for that, you are the one who started now, not my problem" I said but he just rolled his eyes and pouted looking at me

"Please Bhai help me" he was now on his knees holding my legs and fake crying making everyone laugh.

"Don't help him Ayush, let him know what happens when you don't work on time" said chachi and moved upstairs leaving a shocking Aarav behind

"Are you my real mom?" He asked but got a smack on his head by me as I too started moving upstairs after bidding everyone a Good Night!

Before I could enter my bedroom, Aarav came running behind me and closed the door behind him, But what he said left bewhirled the most

"Bhai! I saw everything that happened in the office today!"


Hello everyone, hope you are doing good this is Ayushman's family hope you have enjoyed I know i introduction chapter can be boring but the real story will begin in next chapter

What do you think about Ayushman and Samriddhi's accidentally kiss?

Also about Aarav, what will he do? 😏

Feel free to point out my mistakes and give me your suggestion

Bye love you all <3

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