01 | The Buisness Deal

Looking out of the window a yawn escaped from my mouth I could see the sunrise while sitting on the bed as a thought came across my mind more of a regret 'Even they use to watch the sunrise every morning but now the rays of this sun doesn't reach till my dark life'. I was about to get up when I heard a knock on the door

"May I come in Beta?" It was dad
"Yes, Dad!" He opened the door hearing my voice and stared at me with adoration and love in his eyes
he truly loves me

"Good morning Dad!" I greeted him as I stood up from the bed and made my way towards him to give a morning hug as a daily routine of mine

"Good Morning Baacha, So what are you planning to do today?" He asked me while hugging me back and placing a kiss on my forehead

"I just got a text from my Secretary saying I have a meeting at 8 and then I need to go to the factory for reviewing the material and then to the lab for some sample testing he also mentioned a meeting at lunch and then rest is free" I spoke to him while folding the blanket on my bed and making my bed as he too helped me with it

"That's good after a long time you have a relaxed schedule, I have some work for you will you be able to get a few hours for it, As you know Rehan is out of the country currently and I want this deal to be done-" I cut him off by saying

"Calm down Dad! Don't worry I'll get the work done also I have some time in the evening is it okay if I meet them in the evening?" He nodded as he handed me the towel to freshen up as I stood near the bathroom door

"No problem Baacha as you are comfortable now get ready fast and come down for breakfast! My wife's mood is not good so we have to cooperate" he winked at me before closing the door shut and I laughed a bit

My mom always deserved a man like him I wish I could change her fate earlier


"Good Morning Ma" I wished My mom as she smiled at me greeting me back

I made my way towards the kitchen passing the dining area not before giving a smack to the young guy who was sitting in the dining and earning a groan I laughed looking at him through the open kitchen and proceeded to make myself a smoothie while talking

"Morning nerdy and stop studying on dining while eating you have a study room to do so," I said earning a scoff from mom

"Dekho kon baat kar rah hai"
(Look who's speaking)
"You were no different from him when you were of his age like sister like a brother, and stop hitting my shona babu always," Mom said as I saw my younger brother showing me his tongue making me roll my eye 'Shona babu my foot!'

"Well Darling my daughter is right eating while studying is not good-" Dad said trying to take my side but was cut off by my brother

"Yea right! Why will you ever take my side, I am always wrong in your eyes right, Mr.Malthotra!" My brother stood while taking his books

"Mihir! Is this a way to talk to elders? Stop being childish you're not a kid anymore"

"You too have changed di, you might accept this family but I can't, I'll leave this house soon anyways," said he went leaving his unfinished food on the table

I stood there astonished looking at my younger brother climbing the stairs and then shutting the door of his room shut as I just stared at the counter of the open kitchen things have changed in these 5 years a lot and I hate myself for not protecting my loved one's

"I am sorry for his behaviour Veer, I don't know how much time would he want to accept this but please don't hate him" My mom teared up as she looked into Dad's eye
he was hurt

"I know first Samriddhi and now Mihir but as Samriddhi accepted you Mihir will too, he is not ba-" My mom was cut off by dad as he passed her a glass of water when she choked while speaking

"I know he isn't bad I have seen him, and it's okay he is still a kid he needs time and you both! No need to feel bad he will understand soon it's just his teenage hormones kicking in" he chuckled as he passed an assuring smile to me trying to get rid of the awkwardness

Sometimes I think how this man is so calm after all things that have happened with him, I used to think that all men are the same just egoistic creatures who just want to show their masculinity by hurting, but this man is a whole different species. He made me understand that all men are not the same and I salute him I respect him a lot and I can do anything for him without even thinking twice. What he did for me, my mom and my brother even when we both didn't accept him he still didn't leave his little hope in us. It's been 5 years and he is still trying to earn the love and faith of my brother that he is not the same as him

But I can also understand my brother's situation after all I was the same as him 5 years ago, He just doesn't want to see Mom hurt again. But that doesn't mean he can disrespect him like that 'I will talk to him about it later

"Yoo! Your young woman don't you want to go to the office today" My trance broke when I heard Dad and then looked at my wristwatch

"Ohh shit! I am late! Bye Dad bye Ma I'll have breakfast in the office"

"At least take an apple" My mom screamed but I was gone

"She's gone"

"Dikh rah hai mujhe Mr.Malthotra andhi nai hun mai, yeh sab aapki aur Rehan ke vajah se hai, ser par chadha rakha hai iss ladki ko"

(I can see that Mr.Malthotra I am not blind, it's all because of you and Rehan that this girl has been put on the head)


"I guess the product needs more testing to be done, Miss.Malthotra, we need to check the products properly before launching I would request the launch to be put on hold for some time" I heard carefully looking at the doctor in front of me he is a dermatologist as my manager interrupted telling me her point of view

"But if we put it on hold the sales might go a bit down and we will face the loss as well" I just nod a bit listening to her

"What is there to be tested, last time I check Dr. Yug you told me it was all ready and everything was perfect," I asked him as I looked towards the doctor

"Yes, Miss.Malthotra but at that time the final testing was yet to be done and as you said the foundation has to be for all skin types I don't think it's ready yet the product still needs some modifications otherwise it will cause problems on the skin use and it's still not ready to be applied as a daily makeup product" Dr Yug explained his side as I again nodded signalling my Secretary to take his notes and understanding what I mean

"Alright then let's hold the launch for some more time I want the product to be safe make sure it doesn't create any problems after, and let's end the meeting over here have your lunch everyone" Announcing my decision everyone nodded and went out of the cabin

My phone started ringing taking my attention I picked up the call

"Yes Dad? Any problem?" I asked waiting for him to speak further

"Everything is good baccha, I texted you the address go once you are free, and also go through the assets and contract properly before signing. It's a collaboration Mr.Singhania and I are building a Hospital I and Rehan have already done the talking and clearing things you just need to sign the contract and get the deal done okay? And have your lunch before going"

"Alright Dad, but you could also sign the papers right why are you wanting my signature on it?" I asked confused, I am vice president in Dad's company but I only handle legal affairs cause I also have my own business. And dad does send me to get some of the deals done sometimes but I never sign the papers or contract as Dad is the chairman

"Cause Mr.Singhania and I want the hospital to be named on you guys, we are naming the hospital on your name. At first, we were just thinking about opening the hospital but now we decided that I will be naming my shares in your name and he will on his son's name" Dad explained to me the whole thing till now he has a lot of property where he has included me he couldn't get Mihir's yet cause he won't sign any of them as he always denies and about me, He and Bhai both have to convince me first but listening to him I was a bit taken back he never try to buy me any property before asking

"But you should have at least told me about this and why me I already have a lot of-" Dad cut me off saying

"You always wanted to open a Hospital right? So don't miss this opportunity and like you said it's in the village where not a single medical facility is provided so it's a win-win for both of us and I am doing this for my daughter" he said hitting on my weak point, he really knows what to say and when to say sighing I know there was no room to argue even if I say I want to built a hospital from my own money he will get hurt like last time and I don't want to hurt him more he has already suffered a lot.

"Okay okay, Your wish my command sir!" Hearing a chuckle I walked towards my cabin to take my coat and my keys all while talking to him

"Don't skip your lunch okay? Pamper yourself a little and have your time you can reach there by 5" Dad said as I sat in my car

"Why should I wait till 5 pm can't I just have a quick lunch and then go?" With a frown, I asked him but he just sighed

"Okay Baccha as you wish, don't overwork yourself and take care" He said but before he could hang up I spoke

"Dad! Your medicines don't forget to take them after lunch also today Ma said she will be coming office with your lunch so don't go to the canteen, and enjoy your lunch date" I laughed hearing a chuckle from his side

"Let your time come then I will have my fun too you young woman" he threatened as I laughed more knowing that it won't happen

"Bye Dad, see you at the dinner" saying I hung up before starting my car


The clicking of heels got everyone's attention when they saw a young woman entering the building her confidence and attitude she holds stunned everyone in the area to see her walking in her Teal Blue colour coat pant, her hair tied in a low bun letting the two strands out from the front which was flying as she walked along while removing her black shades

Her Honey brown eyes shined when she looks at the receptionist who was drooling over her forgetting about her surroundings. Everything was so up to the point so her makeup or be her aura.

"Where is Mr.Singhania's cabin?" Samriddhi said in her cold iced voice sending a shiver to the receptionist who was standing opposite her behind the desk but she was too busy checking her out

"Which do you want to meet? Mr.Abhijeet Singhania or Mr Abhiraj Singhania?" Asked the person who was standing beside the receptionist, Samriddhi stood there blank she didn't know the name of what Singhania she was here to meet so she just picked up her phone to look at the address her dad has texted earlier.

-Mr.Ayushman Singhania It said as she again looks up

"Mr.Ayushman Singhania," She said with the same cold voice as before but the look she got in return was weirder from the girl as she eyes her from toe to head and then back

"Do you have any appointments?" The girl asked she just folded her hands on her chest before eyeing her straight in her eye... She looked quite overconfident to judge her like that

"Yes, The appointment is booked as... Samriddhi Malhotra" She smirked internally as she looked at the sudden change of the expression on the girl's face

After all Samriddhi Malhotra was a self-made millionaire who everyone knows, she had a big cosmetic company and a famous cafe in the whole of Udaipur and recently launched another franchise in Mumbai not only that she was also known as Mr.Veer Malhotra's daughter and Mr Rehan Malhotra's Younger sister who also holds an important position in the business world, her mother who was also known as best interior designer and event manager in the whole Udaipur, which enough for the girl standing in front of her to shiver.

"This way Miss.Malhotra we've been waiting for you only from morning" the receptionist said moving past the girl who was looking at Samriddhi in horror

Samriddhi moved passed by her as she followed the girl moved inside the elevator clicking the top floor button as the door closed

"I am So Sorry Miss. Malhotra for our earlier behaviour please don't tell about this to Mr Singhania otherwise we will be kicked out." The receptionist said as Samriddhi frowned a little

"Why would I complain about you? It wasn't your fault and don't worry I won't tell anyone about that girl as well and you should also stop apologising to others, I am saying with my experience it's useless" She smiled at the receptionist who gave her a confused look

"You'll understand soon" saying samriddhi just moves out as the elevator door opens and she walks onto the floor letting her heels click on the marble floor, the receptionist stood shook in the same place eyeing Samriddhi who just moved in Mr.Ayushman Singhania's cabin


"I want that file completed today! I am giving you time till 8:30 pm only if it is not done then you are fired!! Do you get that!" I yelled at the employee who was standing in front as I held my head in my hands

The file was important for the deal and if not done I might lose this deal the whole company was working like dogs for the last 3 weeks and we might face a huge loss

Just when the girl who was standing in front of me was about to speak, a knock was heard but before I could give permission it got opened and I saw a beautiful young woman coming in might be in her late 20s

She was wearing dark blue suit pants and black heels that made a sound on the marble flooring as she walked in, her honey-brown eyes travelled to the girl and then to me

"I am Sorry to disturb you in between-" cutting her off in the mid way I spoke

"Who are you? And how dare you come in without my permission? What do you think you are?" I yelled at her, already I was in a bad mood and here she dares to walk in just like that.

"My apologies Mr Singhania for not waiting for the reply but this is no way you speak to someone, I get my mistake and I too apologised for that the next moment" She was right she did say sorry for that I just lashed out my anger on her, she raised an eyebrow on me as I licked my lips before saying

"Yea, um I am sorry ad well I just went with the flow-" I stopped as I saw my employee biting her lips to control her laugh

"Miss.Sharma you only have time till 8:30 if you remember?" My tone was harsh I know that but she was just sitting on my head now

"Sorry sir, I'll take my leave!" She said and flew away

"Yea I am sorry for earlier, I just-"I was cut off by her
"Went with the flow?" She again raised her eyebrows and her eyes shined as we made eye contact I felt a bit nervous this never happened before I just looked away muttering a small yea

"Samriddhi Malhotra," she said as she took her hand out for me to hold

"Ayushman Singhania, please have a seat" I spoke as we did a small handshake and she opposite to me

"My father informed me about you and the deal, so we are business partners" I spoke while taking out the contract that Papa gave me this morning

"Right! Well I got to know about the actual deal a few hours ago, if possible can you brief me a little" she said as I looked at her raising an eyebrow

"Yea, basically the plot was bought by Me and your father but all the business and making the hospital needs to be done by us, that's why here we are, you just need to sign the contract for now later we can discuss it in more detail" I explained as much as I knew till now as I also got to know the things this morning

She just nodded before going through the contract and giving her time to read, a few minutes late she looked at me with the same expressionless face as before

"The contract is okay, but as we are going to be business partners I want to clear myself before starting, it's the only hospital that is yet to be open in the village and I would like to have the best and brand new equipment for that. So do you have someone in mind that can invest enough for it?" She said keeping the contract back on the desk as we both stood up from our respective chairs

"Yes I do know some and I will make a list and send it to your office or mail so the same" She nodded listening, I made my way towards her

"Also if you are talking about the investors and equipment I want well-trained doctors and a well-trained team, do you-" she cut me off saying

"You can leave that to me I know well-known Doctors you won't have any complaints regarding that" Her confidence is the one thing that makes me surprised

I made my way still walking to her direction walking around the desk as she looks at me straight in the eye and before I could do or say anything I stumbled on my way

I closed my eyes ready to bear the hurt but I could feel nothing in the end....

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